Question: Does the Statement describe efforts to ensure responsible purchasing practices?
Walk Free
MSA Purchasing Practices
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated 22 days ago by Aureliane

Page 1: " Senior has a Responsible Sourcing Policy which was last updated in June 2020 and our key

suppliers are expected to adhere to the Principles of this policy at all times. Senior has developed 10 key environmental, ethical and social responsibility Principles. These Principles are anchored in internationally recognised standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and are as follows:

1. Business Ethics 6. Freedom of Association

2. Wages and Benefits 7. Health and Safety

3. Working Hours 8. Fair procedures and remedies

4. Non-Discrimination 9. Harsh and inhumane management practices

5. Child labour 10. Environmental Management


Modern slavery and forced labour are not specifically mentioned.

Hope Sherwin.....2024-02-27 13:54:51 UTC